I have to say this has been one of the most surreal weeks of my life!
It all started with a frightening incident with a yoghurt pot and a simple tweet -
The Western Gazette then duly printed a story about my ordeal after asking me for a quote
The Central Somerset Gazette also printed the story on their website
before I knew it the story was being picked up by more and more journalists, bloggers and celebrities who re-tweeted and shared the increasingly bizarre headlines.
The Telegraph talked about the "drive-by-yoghurt chucker" and named me as the "West Country haberdasher"
Friends in London started texting me pictures of the article printed in the London Metro - a paper I used to read every day on the way to work in the City.
The "Drive-by yoghurt attack" headline also started a host of Bugsy Malone style attack tweets, almost as many as the tweets correcting their geography as of course Sherborne is in Dorset not Somerset as they stated.
A lovely student from the Bournemouth Buzz called me for a further interview and published another story promptly afterwards
Yahoo news picked up on the story adding their spin on the events calling it "drive-biotic"
First thing Monday morning I was interviewed live on the BBC Devon breakfast show by the charming Simon Bates who was very sympathetic about my experience. I was also interviewed by a journalist for Radio Somerset who was most insistent I should have called the police by now.
It was rather extraordinary that Andy Comfort's (@andycomfort) Radio Humberside drive time show was dedicated to the event on Monday, asking listeners to send in their suggestions for songs relating to the incident.
Celebrity bloggers added fuel to the fire with @panoparker getting over 2.5k retweets for calling it "The most British headline ever"
@ReporterBoy's vote for "headline of the week" brought much amusement to many
Alan White upped the anti and went straight for "Headline of the Year"
Simon Singh (author of The SImpsons) @SLSingh voiced his concern about an upcoming trip to Sherborne!
and so it went on....
Although all of this media attention has been quite amusing it doesn't take away from the original act of nonsense that started all of this.
Being targeted by anyone with anything when you are alone in the dark at night is really frightening and I would urge anyone who knows anything about this incident to come forward to ensure the idiots at large are brought to heel asap.
I would like to thank the two boys from Sherborne School who stopped to ask if I was OK at the time and all of my lovely customers, contacts and friends for their messages of support this last week
I am still waiting for my advertising deal with Petits Filous but until then it's time to get back to my crochet!
Many thanks
The West Country Haberdasher!
It seems I now have a few more updates to make to this article!
on 3rd Feb 2016 actually included this darstedly crime in an article entitled "21 WTF Crimes that could only ever happen in Britain" - I made it to no 12!
finally on 22 February 2016 it was mentioned on "The Poke" Facebook page - it attracted one or two comments and several likes too!
Will this story ever end?!
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